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Immediately after:

  • The area may be tender and will look intense. There may be some swelling and minor bruising that will only last 1-2 days.

  • The next day, the tattoo will darken as scabs begin to form.

  • The scabs will fall off within 3-10 days depending on your skin and the procedure you had done.


The day of the treatment:

  • Fluids will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. To minimise scabbing, you will be wiping the area to prevent these fluids from building up. You will be given wet cotton rounds or baby wipes to wipe your tattoo. 

  • You may ice the area if it is feeling tender or swollen.


Day 2-10:

  • Your tattoo is an open wound - avoid touching your tattoo to prevent an infection as this may impact your results.

  • For brows - keep dry for one week. 

  • For lips - don't let your tattoo get too wet for too long as this may cause your scabs to become soggy and fall off prematurely.

  • Do not pick at any scabs or flaky skin - let them fall off naturally with time. Do not sleep on your face and make sure to sleep on a clean pillowcase.

  • For brows - apply your recommended ointment morning and night.

  • For lips - keep moisturised all day with your recommended ointment.

  • Avoid any harsh cleansers, creams, makeup or any other products on your tattoo until all scabs have fallen off naturally and the skin has healed over.

  • Do not expose your tattoo to UV rays or tanning beds for a month after the procedure. Always apply sunscreen to keep your tattoo protected (once healed). Uv rays can dramatically alter the appearance of your tattoo.

  • No excessive sweating until all scabs have come away. Salt in sweat can deteriorate pigment. 

  • Do not get any botox, facials, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for a month following your treatment.


After scabbing phase:

  • After the scabs have come away naturally, the top layer of your skin has healed and you may return to your normal routine. Always avoid using any active skincare ingredients near your tattoo eg Retinols, AHA's etc. You may apply makeup if necessary.

  • Your tattoo may have a milky/grey hue or frosted look to it - this just means the surface has healed but the underneath layers still need time to heal. The complete healing process takes 6 weeks. For dark lip, it can take up to 12 weeks.

  • Your tattoo will be softer and not as crisp once healed.

  • Results will vary with each individual and are extremely dependant on your skin and how well you follow your aftercare. It may take more than 2 sessions to reach your desired result.


Once fully healed:

  • It is strongly recommended that you do not use any of the following on your tattoo: Benzoyl Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Glycolic acid, Apple cider vinegar, Vitamin E and C, and Retinol. These products can lighten or fade your tattoo faster. We also recommend wearing sunscreen as the UV rays will deteriorate the pigment and lighten or fade the tattoo faster. Salt water and chlorine can also deteriorate the pigment faster. Rinse with water after contact.

  • If you are having any laser or facial beauty treatments it is extremely important that you inform your technician of your cosmetic tattoo before any procedures. 

  • This treatment does fade after 1-3 years depending on your skin and lifestyle. Touch-ups are necessary to maintain the longevity and overall beauty of your tattoo. If you have oily skin, an iron deficiency, or a very strong immune system, your pigment will not last as long and will not heal as crisp as others.

  • Coverup works may need additional appointments to have better results as it is possible that the "coverup" tattoo may not completely cover the old one. 


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